portfolio site templates

MACA 2765 Animation for the Web

Chuck Zucal

Winter 2020


My Experience in the Class

Maca 2765 has been to me a wealth of information that will indeed help in my pursuit in becoming an Interactive Web Designer. Through this program I have discovered and mastered many amazing tools that will help me in my career. Some of the key programs include Adobe CC Suite, InVision Studio and Mobirise.

Macomb Community College

I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend Macomb Community College in the Interactive Web Design progam. The faculity has been one the highlights of this program. They have always been available to help me with an issue and in collaborating with a project. It is because of this I feel very confident in my ablility to further myself in this field.


Select each project title to see the project details

Animated Web Ads

An exploration in Animated Web Ads in four standard ad dimension sizes.

Animated Logos - Simple & Complex

A simple Animated Logo of a fictitious pizza parlor.

A complex personel Animated Logo.

Cinemagraphs for Marketing

Using Photoshop to create several Cinemagraphs for Marketing in both .GIF and .MP4 formats.

 Video Business Card

Using Photoshop and Premiere Pro to produce a professional and vivid Video Business Card promoting myself as an Interactive Web Designer.

Animated Layered Graphics

In this assignment Animated Layered Graphics were created in Crello and Adobe Animate.

User Interface Design
Transition Between Scenes

Design and create six User Interface Design Transition Between Scenes within the InVision Studio program.

User Experience Design
Feedback with Animation

Developing User Experience Design Feedback with Animation using InVision Studio as a prototyping tool. 

User Experience Design
Visual Cue / Hints with Animation

Developing User Experience Design Visual Cue / Hints with Animation using InVision Studio as a prototyping tool.

Full Build Prototype

Design, create and build a Full Build Prototype using InVision Studio.